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Cool Tricks: Inline GraphQL Scripts

You can provide a GraphQL document string in your markup. The declarative query, mutation, and subscription components all come with this built in. By appending or updating a GraphQL script child, the Apollo element will read it's query document.

Add it to your custom components via the graphql-script-child-mixin.


Say you had a <greet-me> element which extends ApolloQuery.

  <script type="application/graphql">
    query Greeting {
      greeting {
      {{ data.greeting || 'Hello' }},
      {{ data.name || 'friend' }}
import { ApolloQueryMixin, GraphQLScriptChildMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins';

interface Data {
  name: string;
  greeting: string;

const template = document.createElement('template');
template.innerHTML = `<p></p>`;

template.content.querySelector('p').append(new Text('Hello'));
template.content.querySelector('p').append(new Text(', '));
template.content.querySelector('p').append(new Text('friend'));

class GreetMe extends GraphQLScriptChildMixin(ApolloQueryMixin(HTMLElement))<Data, null> {
  #data: Data = null;

  get data() {
    return this.#data;

  set data(value: Data) {
    this.#data = value;

  constructor() {
    this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });

  render() {
    const [greetingNode, , nameNode] =
    greetingNode.data = this.data?.greeting ?? 'Hello';
    nameNode.data = this.data?.name ?? 'friend';

customElements.define('greet-me', GreetMe);
import { ApolloQuery, customElement, html } from '@apollo-elements/lit-apollo';
import { GraphQLScriptChildMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins';

interface Data {
  name: string;
  greeting: string;

class GreetMe extends GraphQLScriptChildMixin(ApolloQuery)<typeof HelloQuery> {
  render() {
    return html`
        ${this.data?.greeting ?? 'Hello'},
        ${this.data?.name ?? 'friend'}
import { customElement, html, ViewTemplate } from '@microsoft/fast-element';
import { ApolloQuery } from '@apollo-elements/fast/bases/apollo-query';
import { GraphQLScriptChildMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins';

const template: ViewTemplate<GreetMe> = html`
    ${x => x.data?.greeting ?? 'Hello'},
    ${x => x.data?.name ?? 'friend'}
@customElement({ name, 'greet-me', template })
class GreetMe extends GraphQLScriptChildMixin(ApolloQuery)<typeof HelloQuery> { }
import { useEffect, useQuery, component, html } from '@apollo-elements/haunted';
import { GraphQLScriptChildMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins';

function GreetMe(hostElement) {
  // NOTE: must pass `hostElement: this` to use `<apollo-client>`
  const query = useQuery(null, { hostElement });

  // When GraphQLScriptChildMixin resolves the query and variables,
  // set them on the query controller to start the query
  useEffect(() => { query.variables = hostElement.variables }, [hostElement.variables]);
  useEffect(() => { query.query = hostElement.document }, [hostElement.document]);

  return html`
      ${query.data?.greeting ?? 'Hello'},
      ${query.data?.name ?? 'friend'}

customElements.define('greet-me', GraphQLScriptChildMixin(component(GreetMe)));
import { useEffect, useQuery, useHost, c } from '@apollo-elements/atomico';
import { GraphQLScriptChildMixin } from '@apollo-elements/mixins';

function GreetMe(props) {
  const ref = useHost();
  // NOTE: must pass `hostElement` to use `<apollo-client>`
  const query = useQuery(null, { hostElement: ref.current });

  // When GraphQLScriptChildMixin resolves the query and variables,
  // set them on the query controller to start the query
  useEffect(() => { query.variables = props.variables }, [props.variables]);
  useEffect(() => { query.query = props.document }, [props.document]);

  return (
    <host shadowDom>
        {query.data?.greeting ?? 'Hello'},
        {query.data?.name ?? 'friend'}

customElements.define('greet-me', GraphQLScriptChildMixin(c(GreetMe)));
// while you can't use the mixin, you can roll your own
import { query, define, html } from '@apollo-elements/hybrids';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client/core';

function matchNode(host, node) {
  if (!(node instanceof HTMLScriptElement))
    return; /* c8 ignore next */ // it's covered
  if (node.matches('[type="application/graphql"]'))
    host.query.document = gql(node.textContent);
  if (node.matches('[type="application/json"]'))
    host.query.variables = JSON.parse(node.textContent);

define('greet-me', {
  query: query(HelloQuery),
  _domQuery: {
    connect(host) {
      const mo = new MutationObserver(records => {
        for (const { target: node, addedNodes = [] } of records) {
          matchNode(host, node);
          for (const added of addedNodes)
            matchNode(host, added);

      mo.observe(host, { characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true });

      return () => mo.disconnect();
  render: ({ query }) => html`
    <p>${query.data?.greeting ?? 'Hello'}, ${query.data?.name ?? 'friend'}</p>

You can add it to your page like so, and it will start querying.

  <script type="application/graphql">
    query Greeting {
      greeting {