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ApolloMutation: Component Lifecycle


On connecting to the DOM, the element reads it's mutation and variable properties either from JavaScript, or from it's script children, and initializes a MutationObserver to watch for changes to those children.


Call this method to initiate the mutation. You can call it without arguments, or with a partial MutationOptions object. The rest of the mutation options will fall back to the corresponding instance properties.

In other words, the following two snippets are equivalent:

element.optimisticResponse = ({ name }) => ({ __typename: 'Mutation', addUser: { name } });
element.variables = { name: 'Hulda' };
  optimisticResponse: ({ name }) => ({ __typename: 'Mutation', addUser: { name } }),
  variables: { name: 'Hulda' },

If another call is made to mutate before the first resolves, only the final call will set element instance properties.

element.addEventListener('apollo-mutation-result', event =>
element.mutate({ variables: { name: 'Miriam' } });
element.mutate({ variables: { name: 'Devorah' } });
element.mutate({ variables: { name: 'Yael' } });
// => logs: 'Yael'


Function which defines how to integrate the mutation result into the cache. For some simple cases Apollo can do this automatically, but for others you will need or want to control the process, for example, an AddPostMutation which adds a post to an array of Posts.

element.updater: MutationUpdaterFn<AddPostsMutationData, AddPostsMutationVariables> =
  (cache, result) => {
    const query = LatestPostsQuery;
    const cached = cache.readQuery({ query: LatestPostsQuery });
    const data = { posts: [result.data.postBlogPost, ...cached.posts] }
    cache.writeQuery({ query, data });


The onCompleted callback is a unary function that takes a FetchResult.

onCompleted is called after the element instance' properties are set.


The onError callback is a unary function that takes an Error or ApolloError.

onError is called after the element instance' properties are set.


Listen for the apollo-mutation-result and apollo-error events to react to changes. They fire before the element instance' properties are set.


Detail is an FetchResult object.