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Atomico: useQuery

Apollo useQuery hook for web components.


import { useQuery, c, html, css } from '@apollo-elements/atomico';
import { LaunchesQuery } from './Launches.query.graphql.js';
import { client } from './client.js';

function Launches() {
  const { data } = useQuery(LaunchesQuery, { client, variables: { limit: 3 } });

  const launches = data?.launchesPast ?? [];

  return html`
    <host shadowDom>
      <ol>${launches.map(x => html`
            <img src=${x.links.mission_patch_small} alt="Badge" role="presentation"/>

Launches.styles = css`
:host {
  --image-size: 40px;

li img {
  height: var(--image-size);
  width: auto;

li article {
  height: var(--image-size);
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;


customElements.define('spacex-launches', c(Launches));

Read the query component guides for more examples and tips.




ComponentDocument<D, V>


ApolloQueryControllerOptions<D, V>
Option Type Description
fetchPolicy WatchQueryFetchPolicy The fetchPolicy for the query.
variables Variables<D, V> Variables for the query.
noAutoSubscribe boolean If true, the element will not begin querying data until you manually call subscribe
shouldSubscribe (op?: Partial<Operation<D, V>>) => boolean Determines whether the element should attempt to subscribe automatically\nOverride to prevent subscribing unless your conditions are met
onData (data: Data<D>) => void Optional callback for when a query resolves.
onError (error: Error) => void Optional callback for when an error occurs.

Inherits from ApolloControllerOptions


ApolloQueryController<D, V>


import { useQuery } from '@apollo-elements/atomico/useQuery';